February 2015 – Lifeboat News: The Blog https://lifeboat.com/blog Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 04 Jun 2017 19:01:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Best tribute to Leonard Nimoy—from a real spaceship! https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/best-tribute-to-leonard-nimoy-from-a-real-spaceship https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/best-tribute-to-leonard-nimoy-from-a-real-spaceship#comments Sun, 01 Mar 2015 04:03:57 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13631 This was one of the best tributes to Leonard Nimoy, from a real spaceship:


https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/best-tribute-to-leonard-nimoy-from-a-real-spaceship/feed 1
How the Internet Is Remembering the Legendary Leonard Nimoy https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/how-the-internet-is-remembering-the-legendary-leonard-nimoy Sat, 28 Feb 2015 23:00:25 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13625 By  — Wired

Leonard Nimoy, the legendary actor known to the world as Star Trek‘s Mr. Spock, died at his home in Los Angeles this morning. He was 83. Almost as soon as word of his passing hit the Internet, friends, former co-stars, and fans began expressing grief over the actor’s passing.

Nimoy was hospitalized earlier this week for chest pains, and his wife Susan Bay Nimoy has confirmed that he died from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He announced his sickness in February of last year, blaming it on his smoking habits of decades earlier.

“As you all know, my Grandpa passed away this morning at 8:40 from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” Nimoy’s granddaughter, Dani, posted via the actor’s Twitter. “He was an extraordinary man, husband, grandfather, brother, actor, author-the list goes on- and friend. Thank you for the warm condolences. May you all LLAP.”
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A Telepresence Robot with a Gripping Arm? ORIGIBOT Is a Dream Come True https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/a-telepresence-robot-with-a-gripping-arm-origibot-is-a-dream-come-true Sat, 28 Feb 2015 11:00:15 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13559 By — Singularity Hub

Telepresence robots are awesome, but the experience can be frustrating at times. The reason? They lack arms. Whether you want to examine an object yourself, open a door, or pretend to be the Terminator with a Nerf gun, the lack of even a rudimentary claw can leave you feeling like a half a person, a mind wandering atop a remote control toy.

Not anymore.

Launched on Indiegogo three days ago, the ORIGIBOT is an Android-based telerobotic platform that comes with a robotic arm and gripper. With 5 degrees of freedom, the robot allows for all sorts of motion and control using desktop or mobiles devices.

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Blockchains as a Granular Universal Transaction System https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/blockchains-as-a-granular-universal-transaction-system Sat, 28 Feb 2015 06:59:16 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13595 Quoted: “Blockchains are thus an intriguing model for coordinating the full transactional load of any large-scale system, whether the whole of different forms of human activity (social systems) or any other system too like a brain. In a brain there are quadrillions of transactions that could perhaps be handled in the universal transactional system architecture of a blockchain, like with Blockchain Thinking models.”

Read the IEET brief here > http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/swan20150217

World’s Data Could Fit on a Teaspoon-Sized DNA Hard Drive and Survive Thousands of Years https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/worlds-data-could-fit-on-a-teaspoon-sized-dna-hard-drive-and-survive-thousands-of-years Fri, 27 Feb 2015 23:00:28 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13557 By — Singularity Hub

The blueprint of every living thing on the planet is encoded in DNA. We know the stuff can hold a lot of information. But how much is a lot? We could theoretically encode the world’s data (from emails to albums, movies to novels) on just a few grams of DNA. DNA already preserves life itself—now it might also preserve life as we live it.

According to New Scientist, a gram of DNA could theoretically store 455 exabytes of data. And Quartz drives the point home. If the world has about 1.8 zettabytes of data, according to a 2011 estimate, all the world’s information would fit on a four-gram DNA hard drive the size of a teaspoon.

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How to Keep a Piece of the Pie After the Robots Take Our Jobs https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/how-to-keep-a-piece-of-the-pie-after-the-robots-take-our-jobs Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:00:20 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13555 Written by Victoria Turk — Motherboard

In 2013, researchers Carl Frey and Michael Osborne of the Oxford Martin School dropped the bombshell that 47 percent of U​S jobs were at risk of computerisation. Since then, they’ve made similar predicti​ons for the UK, where they say 35 percent of jobs are at high risk.

So what will our future economy look like?

“My predictions have enormously high variance,” Osborne told me when I asked if he was optimistic. “I can imagine completely plausible, incredibly positive scenarios, but they’re only about as probable as actually quite dystopian futures that I can imagine.”
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What happens when computers, not teachers, pick what students learn? https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/what-happens-when-computers-not-teachers-pick-what-students-learn Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:00:16 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13553 By — Slate
Students in teacher Cynthia McClellan's eighth grade social science and history class at the Blake Middle School use their iPads during class.

NEW YORK—Teacher John Garuccio wrote a multiplication problem on a digital whiteboard in a corner of an unusually large classroom at David A. Boody Intermediate School in Brooklyn.

About 150 sixth-graders are in this math class—yes, 150—but Garuccio’s task was to help just 20 of them, with a lesson tailored to their needs. He asked, “Where does the decimal point go in the product?” After several minutes of false starts, a boy offered the correct answer. Garuccio praised him, but did not stop there.

“Come on, you know the answer, tell me why,” Garuccio said. “It’s good to have the right answer, but you need to know why.”
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The Social Science Behind Online Shareablity https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/the-social-science-behind-online-shareablity https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/the-social-science-behind-online-shareablity#comments Thu, 26 Feb 2015 11:00:04 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13551 Laura Bliss — CityLab
Image Flickr/mkhmarketing
Judging from some of Facebook’s most viral images in history—textbooks wrapped in paper bags, futuristic beach houses, Barack and Michelle mid-hug—it seems safe to say that, content-wise, a mix of nostalgia and aspiration makes ‘book users click, like, comment, and share. On Flickr, it’s cool nature shots. Instagram loves the Kardashians.

But favorite subjects come and go, while the viral cycle lives on. What if you could predict the kinds of photos most likely to strike a nerve? Given the incredible amount of data available on how online users engage with images, is there a way to measure the objective qualities of an image’s shareability?
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https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/the-social-science-behind-online-shareablity/feed 1
Researchers generate a reference map of the human epigenome https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/researchers-generate-a-reference-map-of-the-human-epigenome Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:00:56 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13548 Helen Knight | MIT News correspondent
Manolis Kellis
The sequencing of the human genome laid the foundation for the study of genetic variation and its links to a wide range of diseases. But the genome itself is only part of the story, as genes can be switched on and off by a range of chemical modifications, known as “epigenetic marks.”

Now, a decade after the human genome was sequenced, the National Institutes of Health’s Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium has created a similar map of the human epigenome.
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Lifeboat Foundation — Futurism Update — Feb/26/2015 https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/02/future_up_feb_26_2015 Wed, 25 Feb 2015 21:44:38 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=13585 Lifeboat Foundation — Futurism Update — Feb/26/2015








READWRITE-COM: Hadoop Creator: If You Want To Succeed With Big Data, Start Small http://readwrite.com/2015/02/25/hadoop-big-data-start-small-doug-cutting

FORBES: How The Internet Of Things Can Enhance Human Relationships http://www.forbes.com/sites/techonomy/2015/02/04/how-the-int…tionships/

MIT OPEN COURSEWARE: Brain and Cognitive Sciences http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/
ENTREPRENEUR-COM: Is Bitcoin Speculative Foolery or a Financial Services Breakthrough? http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/243071

TED: 30 futuristic spacecraft driving the new space age http://ideas.ted.com/18-companies-driving-the-new-space-age/

TECHCRUNCH: Defining the digital currency professional http://tcrn.ch/1DTX9ON

ACCENTURE: Software intelligence, elevated by the cloud, is a game-changer across business & industry: http://bddy.me/1JMWoe2

IEEE SPECTRUM: Internet-of-Things Radio Chip Consumes a Little Power to Save a Lot: MIT engineers build a 100-fold more effic… http://bit.ly/1BVxzIA

THE ECONOMIST: Why James Wilson and The Economist supported compulsory vaccination in 1853 http://econ.st/1LCpXL4

FINANCIAL TIMES: Pharmacyclics considers sale as drug deals roll on http://on.ft.com/1DW1sJA

PWC: to discuss leading practices in #databreach preparedness & response at the IAPPSummit on 3/5. Join us: http://bit.ly/1oDdfDO

BUSINESS INSIDER: This is what it’s like to drive the McLaren 650S Spider, http://read.bi/1zfbXjw

SCI TECH DAILY: Yale Neurobiologists Discover Surprising Trigger of New Brain Cell Growth http://scitechdaily.com/yale-neurobiologists-discover-surpri…ll-growth/

BBC NEWS: Skin may helps spot Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease http://www.bbc.com/news/health-31585299

THE DAILY MAIL: Will holidays soon be uploaded to our MINDS? Dr Michio Kaku reveals how we could use our brains in the next 50 years http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2965072/Will-…z3Smvzc9Zm

SCIENCE DAILY: Tissue engineering: Scientists grow leg muscle from cells in a dish http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150224182531.htm

FINANCIAL TIMES: Urwin quits JPMorgan for Deutsche Bank http://on.ft.com/1GvRJaY

These crowdfunding campaigns are weirder than yours http://entm.ag/1DRc62I

NEW YORK TIMES: Limited High-Speed Internet Choices Underlie Net Neutrality Rules http://nyti.ms/1DW7JoL

NEW SCIENTIST: Google DeepMind AI outplays humans at video games http://ow.ly/JEmpk

THE ECONOMIST: America’s mortgage-insurance giants are making bigger profits than before the crisis http://econ.st/17GY0nR

FINANCIAL TIMES: Video: Google’s European shake-up http://on.ft.com/1GvR3Tc

HUDSON INSTITUTE: “Executive Tell All: Progress, Challenges, Opps” http://bit.ly/1evQzgA

NEW YORK TIMES: Bits Blog: A Google Computer Can Teach Itself Games http://nyti.ms/1GvR2hQ

NEW YORK TIMES: Machine Learning: Video Feature: High-Quality Smartphones for Less Money http://nyti.ms/1akMssl

BUSINESS INSIDER: Product Hunt founder: Here’s how we could make money someday http://read.bi/17zc2rW

IT WORLD: Mobile is pushing the boundaries of IT security (registration required) http://bit.ly/1LDlrMh

IEEE: Computer scientists want to make a form of AI that can play a game only knowing the rules of it: http://bit.ly/1JMydMU

MEDICAL XPRESS: Hidden gene gives hope for improving brainfunction http://medx.cc/344098270

CNBC: This is taking a bigger economic toll on U.S. » http://cnb.cx/1BuHple

ROCKEFELLER FUND: NASA warns of a ClimateChange-fueled “mega-drought” in North America if CO2 levels don’t decrease http://ow.ly/Jph0h

DER SPIEGEL: Interview with Naomi Klein: ‘The Economic System We Have Created Global Warming’ http://spon.de/aervT

THE ECONOMIST: Why James Wilson and The Economist supported compulsory vaccination in 1853 http://econ.st/18kquFl

KPMG: Cloud technology helps enable A&D companies to leapfrog over competition



REUTERS: Astronomers find giant black hole in early universe http://reut.rs/1akLM6l

DER SPIEGEL: The Warming World: Is Capitalism Destroying Our Planet? http://spon.de/aerCk

THE ECONOMIST: From Espresso: Cards on the table: the hacking of Gemalto http://econ.st/18m2NME

BUSINESS INSIDER: NY investigators have flagged “millions” of potentially illegal money laundering transactions — all at one bank http://read.bi/1GvQ1Xb

TECHCRUNCH: Hands On With The New Moto E http://tcrn.ch/1vzzVut

MEDICAL XPRESS: Researchers find link between inflammation, tissue regeneration and wound repair response http://medx.cc/344098040

NIH: A2 When genes mutate, they can lead to genetic disorders. There are 3 types &you can learn more about them: http://1.usa.gov/1zdiYS0

MONEY: Boomers’ homes are once again their castles http://money.us/1LAqHjO

CSIS: Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs speaks on China’s emerging role in the Arctic: watch live http://cs.is/1EIr75y

BUSINESS INSIDER: This chart shows how China, India, and Japan are competing to develop own aircraft carriers http://read.bi/1JMStxX

VENTURE BEAT: Google built a machine that’s better at games than you are http://wp.me/p5hvhT-700M

STANFORD UNIVERSITY: Are people willing to pay more for fair trade products? http://stanford.io/1D53emb

FORBES: FCC scheduled to vote tomorrow to make broadband providers the equivalent of common-carrier telephone companies: http://onforb.es/1Arsnu4

UN FOUNDATION: “Social good needs to be a part of life. It is a part of our DNA” — http://bit.ly/1C4oRqb

WORLD BANK: Why being your whole self — and not just your “good” self, drives success and fulfillment. http://wrld.bg/JDnT8

CRITICAL THREATS: Yemen Special Forces camp west of capital http://bit.ly/1DpL41a

BUSINESS INSIDER: Russia considered a plan to split Ukraine before the president’s overthrow http://read.bi/1LIlbO3

NETWORK WORLD: “The change for @ExtremeNetworks vs where we were prior to the Enterasys acquisition is pretty dramatic.” http://ow.ly/JBj4r

CNET: Google is making an enterprise push with Android for Work http://cnet.co/1DblaeU

YAHOO: U.S. oil jumps nearly 2% as distillate stocks narrow. http://yhoo.it/18m6xOl

JetBlue gives out free flights, just for being nice http://huff.to/1GptJ9p

Women are more likely to feel sharp upper body pain when having a heart attack. http://go.usa.gov/33UA4

FINANCIAL TIMES: Is your lawnmower too loud? The growing campaign for quieter garden machines: http://on.ft.com/1LCN9J7

REUTERS: Life in Hong Kong’s illegally divided apartments that are just large enough for a bed. http://reut.rs/1LDZcG6

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Train derails after colliding with truck in Oxnard, California http://alj.am/1GuFiwh

BUSINESS INSIDER: The stock market is not attractive at this price — but it could be worse http://read.bi/1EsH7KQ

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: CRN Exclusive: HP CEO Whitman On IBM’s Partner Run-Off, The Battle With Cisco And AWS Integration http://go.crn.com/1akJXGF

FRANCE 24: DEBATE — Swissleaks and the Banks http://f24.my/1DqF73X

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Only effective tests for chronic fatigue syndrome will change its image. http://nyti.ms/1vz4LDH

WALL STREET JOURNAL: The IRS audited 0.86% of individual taxpayers last year, the lowest rate in a decade: http://on.wsj.com/1DqtKck

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: “We need to respond to Russia’s blatant breach of intl. law”- Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs http://cs.is/1EIr75y

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Robots might take some people’s jobs, but they still can’t fold the laundry:

REUTERS: Pink cloud from NASA rocket lights up sky over U.S. Southwest http://reut.rs/1akJmEX

FRANCE 24: Israel court okays Charlie Hebdo distribution for vote http://f24.my/1akJjZC

REUTERS: Study links common food additives to Crohn’s disease, colitis http://reut.rs/1akJmom

NATGEO: Thanks to big government and high taxes, Scandinavia is a success story—mostly: http://on.natgeo.com/1Bv2VWW

ACCENTURE: AccentureCloud: Software intelligence, elevated by the cloud, is a game-changer across business & industry: http://bddy.me/1JMWoe2

BLOOMBERG: ScottWalker’s economic record http://bloom.bg/18m1TQq

FINANCIAL TIMES: MPs grill HSBC chiefs over tax scandal http://on.ft.com/1GvMx6W

BLLOMBERG: Finding opportunities in a low-volatility market: http://bloom.bg/1ER2Ry0

SCIENCE FRIDAY: Leave your headphones at home- the most effective way to learn another language is to interact with a native speaker. http://scifri.me/0y4cux

PWC: PwC to discuss leading practices in databreach preparedness & response at the IAPP Summit on 3/5. Join us: http://bit.ly/1oDdfDO

AMERICAN MANAGEMENT: Did you miss this? AMA Picked 2014’s Most Notable Biz Influencers: http://ow.ly/JzGK9

CSIS: China’s new cybersecurity rules could ruin the progress on Beijing-Washington relations http://cs.is/17uurGo

BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP: Consumers would rather sacrifice other luxuries than lose use of their http://on.bcg.com/1Dmwmbl

DEFENSE NEWS: Singapore is moving closer to ordering the Lockheed Martin F-35 joint strike fighter Avalon Airshow Avalon 2015 http://ow.ly/JDyo8

FORTUNE: Why Mercedes wants to export more vehicles to the U.S. http://for.tn/17zhhrF

STANFORD UNIVERSITY: “Today Turkey has just 1% e-commerce penetration compared to 10% in the U.S. and 8% in Europe.” http://stanford.io/1DOM9SN

FOREIGN POLICY: Does the euro project even make sense anymore? Did it ever? http://atfp.co/1zIBcMm

PC MAG: The 10 Best Gaming Monitors: http://bit.ly/1srruf6

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Will oil prices fall to $10 or rebound to $100? (+video) http://trib.al/wVVd1o2

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Chronicfatigue is real, and women are 2–4x more likely than men to be diagnosed with it. http://go.usa.gov/zA4j

MICROSOFT: Have a burning question about digital marketing, SEO, etc? See if it’s on this list: http://part.ms/4U1BHk

MICROSOFT: Certified in an older version of Windows Server? Earn your MCSA: Windows Server 2012 with just one exam: http://spr.ly/60180i64

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Among Trillions of Microbes in the Gut, a Few Are Special http://bit.ly/1LIwbee

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Net Neutrality and the Open Internet http://bit.ly/1LIwd5K

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Critically Endangered Plant with Brilliant Purple Flowers Discovered in Hawaii http://bit.ly/1LIwcPr

WIRED: How to win at Facebook, according to its strategy guru http://r29.co/17YHEar

POPULAR MECHANICS: Consumer Reports has named its 2015 top automotive picks, and Tesla is still on top http://popme.ch/60140Sv8

MASHABLE: Winners and losers: A breakdown ahead of the net neutrality vote http://on.mash.to/1Dbo97i

BUSINESS INSIDER: Iranian general: We’ve tested a ballistic missile that can destroy aircraft carriers — http://read.bi/1BVS9sn

TED: 4 ways to donate to good causes more effectively: http://t.ted.com/pxgmbDp

BUSINESS INSIDER: Portfolios with penny stocks were three times more likely to lose money in 2014 http://read.bi/1JMK7WU

ZDNET: Only 40 percent of the global population ever connected to the internet: report http://zd.net/1vzJ4mI

FAST COMPANY: How to spot future leaders http://f-st.co/PKQKinp

BUSINESS INSIDER: HP buyout report sends Aruba’s shares skyrocketing http://read.bi/18mhdMV

INC: Rebecca Minkoff’s Store Of The Future Will Blow Your Mind http://bit.ly/1LE11Tw

NATURE: The quest for artificial intelligence starts w Pong & Space Invaders, at Google’s DeepMind lab http://ow.ly/JEseB

MASHABLE: Apple has been ordered to pay half a billion dollars to a company many are describing as a ‘patent troll’ http://on.mash.to/18mfXcE

PWC: PwC shares an integrated framework for moving to the new revenue recognition standard: http://pwc.to/1ztwxwq

THE ECONOMIST: The Milky Way is not as young as it looks. The secret of galactic youth? Eating hydrogen gas clouds, of course http://econ.st/1DKJ6uT

ACCENTURE: Here’s a great read on how #retailers can ‘combine traditional & online shopping to enhance CX’: http://bddy.me/1LEpJDh

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Accident victims are the first to get mind-controlled bionic hands http://thetim.es/1LDntvU

FORBES: IBM Smarter PlanetVoice: Three ways to build the next-generation of startups with cloud http://onforb.es/17yO5kA

REUTERS: U.S. government says 8.84 million people signed on for 2015 Obamacare plans http://reut.rs/1DWkFLh

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Y Combinator-Backed Bright Aims To Bring Solar Power To Mexico http://tcrn.ch/1DWkHCW

BUSINESS INSIDER: Russia can’t defeat NATO, but Putin might still try — http://read.bi/1wplZUM

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: International travelers to the U.S. spent a record $222 billion in 2014 http://lat.ms/1DqT4Pv

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Android for Work is Google’s latest attempt to win over the enterprise: http://on.wsj.com/1Bvem0K

MASHABLE: Motorola’s new Moto E is bigger, faster and has 4G LTE for $150 http://on.mash.to/1vzx0Cb

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: China could stage an IPO next year that would be even bigger than Alibaba: http://on.mktw.net/18ll251

RAND CORPORATION: Some say int’l norms for drones/ UAVs would limit US while doing nothing to constrain others. Our experts weigh in: http://on.rand.org/JvX4r

NEW SCIENTIST: Drug-resistant malaria is on India’s doorstep. If not contained, it could soon threaten Africa http://ow.ly/JErkQ

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: FedEx is refusing to ship a tool that makes untraceable metal gun parts

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: A morning for artificial intelligence, with Demis Hassabis profiled http://bit.ly/1AeiSfE and a warning http://bit.ly/1LI4L88

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Kickstarter Says Today’s 2-Hour Long Outage Wasn’t Pebble’s Fault http://tcrn.ch/1vzHmSq

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Why You Won’t Be Able To Buy An Apple Car http://di.gg/1Gw15nb

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Study examines tweets from disasters, providing key information for emergency managers & their communications teams http://bit.ly/1we3WLx

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: 31% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction… http://tinyurl.com/m3g4l7

MIT: “Open Internet” rules are on the verge of being approved in the U.S., but crucial details remain unclear. http://bit.ly/1DqRmhd

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Consumers would rather sacrifice other luxuries than lose use of their mobiles: http://on.bcg.com/1Dmwmbl

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: The State of the Future (February 26, 2015 Update!) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/state-future-february-26-…-agostini–

CAPGEMINI: Cybersecurity: Is your enterprise system protected or vulnerable? http://ow.ly/ITjbJ

DELOITTE UNIVERSITY PRESS: Amplified intelligence. https://lnkd.in/e7stSYa

MIT NEWS: Radio chip for the “Internet of things”. Circuit that reduces power leakage when transmitters are idle could greatly extend battery life. http://goo.gl/l3tLMW

MIT NEWS: How brain waves guide memory formation. Neurons hum at different frequencies to tell the brain which memories it should store. http://goo.gl/dbiaHj

FASTCOEXIST: Meet The Robots That Are Taking Over Japan. At this pace, the country’s robot population is going to outnumber people. http://goo.gl/VbgNrq

ACCENTURE: Follow @AccentureOps for news and insight on all things critical to business operations today. http://bddy.me/1BIls1t

THE VERGE: The worst policies from the war on terror are now in our backyard http://theverge.com/e/7865210

THE ECONOMIST: In the corporate world digital defences are being overwhelmed alarmingly often http://econ.trib.al/HsZUJz0

THE ECONOMIST: The fire that did not cease in Ukraine http://econ.trib.al/MBB07zb

THE ECONOMIST: Record numbers of Americans living abroad are now renouncing their citizenship http://econ.trib.al/7b7g3VQ

AMERICAN MANAGEMENT: 10 Tough Questions Every Self-Aware Leader Needs to Answer—http://ow.ly/JpFZp

CNN: Ice. Snow. Sleet. How the nation is coping with winter’s wrath. http://cnn.it/1DNdrJp

FORTUNE MAGAZINE: Nasdaq nears its dot-com bubble-era record http://for.tn/1DQwMtj

WHARTON SCHOOL: the #economy is coming back, but why wages are stuck in a rut: http://whr.tn/1LAbFKO

INC-COM: 2015 Best in Class Design Awards: Meet the Applicants (Entry Deadline: 3/11/15) http://bit.ly/18i6l2u

BLOOMBERG: “Apple reigns undisputed as the most popular hedge fund stock” http://bloom.bg/1AHPGyz

FORBES: The value of instant messaging platforms in the modern smartphone ecosystem: http://onforb.es/1ApqttU

MARKET WATCH: 4 stock plays that are attracting investor dollars this year: http://on.mktw.net/1LzB735

CIO-COM: Security offers a marketing advantage for ADP http://trib.al/VwFBm9Z

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Are the assumptions about human nature that underpin mainstream economic models wrong? http://wef.ch/1KSFMwS

STRATFOR: Petrobras is enormously significant to the Brazilian economy. It controls more than 90 % of Brazil’s oil production. http://social.stratfor.com/IW0

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: If work is starting to take up more of your time, here’s how to help your family adjust http://s.hbr.org/1B8HEAM

FORBES: Researchers have raised concerns about common pain drugs for people who’ve had heart attacks: http://onforb.es/1LAM3NW

THE ECONOMIST: Schumpeter: In the battle for software talent, other industries can learn from Silicon Valley http://econ.st/1vvHGll

THE ATLANTIC: Why light from your smartphone may be causing you to get a worse night sleep http://theatln.tc/1Ba1jjB

HARVARD RESEARCH: Nanometer-sized “drones” could become a new way to prevent heart attacks http://hvrd.me/JzH15

BUSINESS INSIDER: India’s beef traders say they’re being violently attacked by Hindu nationalists http://read.bi/1Aqvz9l

TECHCRUNCH: The 9 largest tech-focused startup funding rounds of the past 2 years http://tcrn.ch/1D8UDyS

WALL STREET JOURNAL: In new study, patients control bionic hands with their thoughts http://on.wsj.com/1agguxj

DELOITTE: Next-generation technologies will usher in a new era of educational opportunities http://deloi.tt/1vIheFu

TED: “Self-control is not a problem in the future. It’s only a problem now when the chocolate is next to us.” http://t.ted.com/lQVe0uL

DIGG: Google And Apple Fight For The Car Dashboard http://di.gg/1DQwVgn

MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Five Loopholes That Could Undermine Net Neutrality. “Open Internet” rules are on the verge of being approved in the U.S., but crucial details remain unclear. https://lnkd.in/eegzSwC

FRANCE 24: Russia’s ruble slides on ‘junk’ rating downgrade http://f24.my/1Dn41l4

BROOKINGS: How does your city compare to the fastest growing economies in the U.S.? http://brook.gs/1LAkfcC

FAST COMPANY: How Japan’s Line app became a culture-changing, revenue-generating phenomenon http://f-st.co/IVTsg7K

SAP-COM: Real-time data is now helping people make “real-life healthcare choices” — http://spr.ly/60190mEX

BUSINESS INSIDER: HP CFO indicates more layoffs after it finishes cutting 55,000 people http://read.bi/17w5eeA

STANFORD MEDICINE: Sex biology redefined: Genes don’t indicate binary sexes: http://stan.md/1vx5TaH

THE ECONOMIST: Latin America’s social progress has stopped. What is to be done? http://econ.st/1Ent5dt

5 Cyber Security Predictions for 2015 http://blog.imperva.com/2015/01/security-predictions-for-201…redictions

BBC: Brain-controlled drone shown off by Tekever in Lisbon http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-31584547

FORBES: What Would Orwell and Huxley Think About Big Data? http://www.forbes.com/sites/howardbaldwin/2015/02/22/what-wo…-big-data/

FINANCIAL TIMES: Petrobras downgraded to junk by Moody’s. The corruption investigation into Petrobras and the subsequent liquidity pressures have prompted its first significant downgrade into junk status since the crisis unfolded. http://www.ft.com/fastft/282553/petrobras-downgraded-junk-moodys

MIT NEWS: Inventing “civilization 2.0”. Conference explores how wearables and other technologies are changing how we connect and conduct business. https://newsoffice.mit.edu/2015/infinite-labs-tech-conference-0224

IBM: “z13: The New Possible” http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/data/flash/zsystems/themovie/?…_analytics

MASAHBLE: Police puzzled as multiple drones spotted over Paris landmarks http://on.mash.to/1D7vAwa

TECHCRUNCH: Target.com Undercuts Amazon And Walmart With New Free Shipping Minimums http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/23/target-com-undercuts-amazon…hWRyIW:vmr

ROYAL SOCIETY: Don’t miss The Long Road to the Higgs Boson — and Beyond, with Prof John Ellis on 3 Mar http://ow.ly/JuJvb

FASTCOEXIST: Meet The Robots That Are Taking Over Japan. At this pace, the country’s robot population is going to outnumber people. http://www.fastcoexist.com/3042362/meet-the-robots-that-are-taking-over-japan#8 FASTCOEXIST: Meet The Robots That Are Taking Over Japan. At this pace, the country’s robot population is going to outnumber people. https://lnkd.in/e7tSZjJ

WASHINGTON POST: Here’s how the clash between the NSA Director and a senior Yahoo executive went down. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/02/23…went-down/

PHYS-ORG: NASA satellite sees a warm winter in the Western US http://phys.org/news/2015-02-nasa-satellite-winter-western.html

ACCENTURE: #HigherEducation must make the grade in #digital: 85% high school seniors say innovation is key to their selection. http://bddy.me/1EJVxnL

ZDNET: Oracle updates big data portfolio, aims to be ‘visual face of Hadoop’ http://www.zdnet.com/article/oracle-updates-big-data-portfol…of-hadoop/
