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Alien civilizations from level 1 to level 7. We are only at level 0.72

Posted in alien life, media & arts

0:00 Kardashev scale.
1:55 Level.
03:11 Level 1 (planetary civilization)
4:48 Level 2 (stellar civilization)
6:38 Level 3 (galactic civilization)
8:09 Level 4 (universal civilization)
9:55 Level 5 (multiversal civilization)
11:15 Level 6 (multidimensional civilization)
12:26 Level 7 (creator civilization)

Email: [email protected].

#Kardashev scale.
#type 1 civilization.
#type 2 civilization.
#type 3 civilization.
#type 4 civilization.
#type 5 civilization.
#type 6 civilization.
#type 7 civilization.

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