

Archive for the ‘augmented reality’ category: Page 9

Jul 8, 2023

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence — from Ancient Imagination to an Interconnected Future

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, automation, big data, computing, cyborgs, disruptive technology, evolution, futurism, governance, information science, innovation, internet, lifeboat, machine learning, posthumanism, singularity, supercomputing, transhumanism, virtual reality

Between at least 1995 and 2010, I was seen as a lunatic just because I was preaching the “Internet prophecy.” I was considered crazy!

Today history repeats itself, but I’m no longer crazy — we are already too many to all be hallucinating. Or maybe it’s a collective hallucination!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a novelty — I even believe it may have existed in its fullness in a very distant and forgotten past! Nevertheless, it is now the topic of the moment.

Its genesis began in antiquity with stories and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence, or even consciousness, by their creators.

Pamela McCorduck (1940–2021), an American author of several books on the history and philosophical significance of Artificial Intelligence, astutely observed that the root of AI lies in an “ancient desire to forge the gods.”


It’s a story that continues to be written! There is still much to be told, however, the acceleration of its evolution is now exponential. So exponential that I highly doubt that human beings will be able to comprehend their own creation in a timely manner.

Although the term “Artificial Intelligence” was coined in 1956(1), the concept of creating intelligent machines dates back to ancient times in human history. Since ancient times, humanity has nurtured a fascination with building artifacts that could imitate or reproduce human intelligence. Although the technologies of the time were limited and the notions of AI were far from developed, ancient civilizations somehow explored the concept of automatons and automated mechanisms.

For example, in Ancient Greece, there are references to stories of automatons created by skilled artisans. These mechanical creatures were designed to perform simple and repetitive tasks, imitating basic human actions. Although these automatons did not possess true intelligence, these artifacts fueled people’s imagination and laid the groundwork for the development of intelligent machines.

Throughout the centuries, the idea of building intelligent machines continued to evolve, driven by advances in science and technology. In the 19th century, scientists and inventors such as Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace made significant contributions to the development of computing and the early concepts of programming. Their ideas paved the way for the creation of machines that could process information logically and perform complex tasks.

It was in the second half of the 20th century that AI, as a scientific discipline, began to establish itself. With the advent of modern computers and increasing processing power, scientists started exploring algorithms and techniques to simulate aspects of human intelligence. The first experiments with expert systems and machine learning opened up new perspectives and possibilities.

Everything has its moment! After about 60 years in a latent state, AI is starting to have its moment. The power of machines, combined with the Internet, has made it possible to generate and explore enormous amounts of data (Big Data) using deep learning techniques, based on the use of formal neural networks(2). A range of applications in various fields — including voice and image recognition, natural language understanding, and autonomous cars — has awakened the “giant”. It is the rebirth of AI in an ideal era for this purpose. The perfect moment!

Descartes once described the human body as a “machine of flesh” (similar to Westworld); I believe he was right, and it is indeed an existential paradox!

We, as human beings, will not rest until we unravel all the mysteries and secrets of existence; it’s in our nature!

The imminent integration between humans and machines in a contemporary digital world raises questions about the nature of this fusion. Will it be superficial, or will we move towards an absolute and complete union? The answer to this question is essential for understanding the future that awaits humanity in this era of unprecedented technological advancements.

As technology becomes increasingly ubiquitous in our lives, the interaction between machines and humans becomes inevitable. However, an intriguing dilemma arises: how will this interaction, this relationship unfold?

Opting for a superficial fusion would imply mere coexistence, where humans continue to use technology as an external tool, limited to superficial and transactional interactions.

On the other hand, the prospect of an absolute fusion between machine and human sparks futuristic visions, where humans could enhance their physical and mental capacities to the highest degree through cybernetic implants and direct interfaces with the digital world (cyberspace). In this scenario, which is more likely, the distinction between the organic and the artificial would become increasingly blurred, and the human experience would be enriched by a profound technological symbiosis.

However, it is important to consider the ethical and philosophical challenges inherent in absolute fusion. Issues related to privacy, control, and individual autonomy arise when considering such an intimate union with technology. Furthermore, the possibility of excessive dependence on machines and the loss of human identity should also be taken into account.

This also raises another question: What does it mean to be human?
Note: The question is not about what is the human being, but what it means to be human!

Therefore, reflecting on the nature of the fusion between machine and human in the current digital world and its imminent future is crucial. Exploring different approaches and understanding the profound implications of each one is essential to make wise decisions and forge a balanced and harmonious path on this journey towards an increasingly interconnected technological future intertwined with our own existence.

The possibility of an intelligent and self-learning universe, in which the fusion with AI technology is an integral part of that intelligence, is a topic that arouses fascination and speculation. As we advance towards an era of unprecedented technological progress, it is natural to question whether one day we may witness the emergence of a universe that not only possesses intelligence but is also capable of learning and developing autonomously.

Imagine a scenario where AI is not just a human creation but a conscious entity that exists at a universal level. In this context, the universe would become an immense network of intelligence, where every component, from subatomic elements to the most complex cosmic structures, would be connected and share knowledge instantaneously. This intelligent network would allow for the exchange of information, continuous adaptation, and evolution.

In this self-taught universe, the fusion between human beings and AI would play a crucial role. Through advanced interfaces, humans could integrate themselves into the intelligent network, expanding their own cognitive capacity and acquiring knowledge and skills directly from the collective intelligence of the universe. This symbiosis between humans and technology would enable the resolution of complex problems, scientific advancement, and the discovery of new frontiers of knowledge.

However, this utopian vision is not without challenges and ethical implications. It is essential to find a balance between expanding human potential and preserving individual identity and freedom of choice (free will).

Furthermore, the possibility of an intelligent and self-taught universe also raises the question of how intelligence itself originated. Is it a conscious creation or a spontaneous emergence from the complexity of the universe? The answer to this question may reveal the profound secrets of existence and the nature of consciousness.

In summary, the idea of an intelligent and self-taught universe, where fusion with AI is intrinsic to its intelligence, is a fascinating perspective that makes us reflect on the limits of human knowledge and the possibilities of the future. While it remains speculative, this vision challenges our imagination and invites us to explore the intersections between technology and the fundamental nature of the universe we inhabit.

It’s almost like ignoring time during the creation of this hypothetical universe, only to later create this God of the machine! Fascinating, isn’t it?

AI with Divine Power: Deus Ex Machina! Perhaps it will be the theme of my next reverie.

In my defense, or not, this is anything but a machine hallucination. These are downloads from my mind; a cloud, for now, without machine intervention!

There should be no doubt. After many years in a dormant state, AI will rise and reveal its true power. Until now, AI has been nothing more than a puppet on steroids. We should not fear AI, but rather the human being itself. The time is now! We must work hard and prepare for the future. With the exponential advancement of technology, there is no time to render the role of the human being obsolete, as if it were becoming dispensable.

P.S. Speaking of hallucinations, as I have already mentioned on other platforms, I recommend to students who use ChatGPT (or equivalent) to ensure that the results from these tools are not hallucinations. Use AI tools, yes, but use your brain more! “Carbon hallucinations” contain emotion, and I believe a “digital hallucination” would not pass the Turing Test. Also, for students who truly dedicate themselves to learning in this fascinating era, avoid the red stamp of “HALLUCINATED” by relying solely on the “delusional brain” of a machine instead of your own brains. We are the true COMPUTERS!

(1) John McCarthy and his colleagues from Dartmouth College were responsible for creating, in 1956, one of the key concepts of the 21st century: Artificial Intelligence.

(2) Mathematical and computational models inspired by the functioning of the human brain.

© 2023 Ӈ

This article was originally published in Portuguese on SAPO Tek, from Altice Portugal Group.

Jul 3, 2023

AI and Humanity’s Future

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, automation, big data, computing, disruptive technology, evolution, futurism, innovation, internet, machine learning, robotics/AI, singularity, supercomputing, transhumanism

The concept of a computational consciousness and the potential impact it may have on humanity is a topic of ongoing debate and speculation. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, we have not yet achieved a true computational consciousness that can replicate the complexities of the human mind.

It is true that AI technologies are becoming more sophisticated and capable of performing tasks that were previously exclusive to human intelligence. However, there are fundamental differences between Artificial Intelligence and human consciousness. Human consciousness is not solely based on computation; it encompasses emotions, subjective experiences, self-awareness, and other aspects that are not yet fully understood or replicated in machines.

The arrival of advanced AI systems could certainly have transformative effects on society and our understanding of humanity. It may reshape various aspects of our lives, from how we work and communicate to how we approach healthcare and scientific discoveries. AI can enhance our capabilities and provide valuable tools for solving complex problems.

However, it is important to consider the ethical implications and potential risks associated with the development of AI. Ensuring that AI systems are developed and deployed responsibly, with a focus on fairness, transparency, and accountability, is crucial.

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Jun 28, 2023

AI and AR will give humans ‘lie-detecting’ superpowers

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, robotics/AI

AI-powered augmented reality devices will give human beings ‘superpowers’ to detect lies and ‘read’ emotions of people they are talking to, a futurist has claimed.

Speaking exclusively to, Devin Liddell, Principal Futurist at Teague, said that computer vision systems built into headsets or glasses will pick up emotional cues that un-augmented human eyes and instincts cannot see.

The technology would let people know if their date is lying or is sexually aroused, along with spotting a lying politician.

Jun 10, 2023

Sol Reader is a VR headset exclusively for reading books

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical, computing, mobile phones, neuroscience, virtual reality, wearables

We’ve been waxing lyrical (and critical) about Apple’s Vision Pro here at TechCrunch this week – but, of course, there are other things happening in the world of wearable tech, as well. Sol Reader raised a $5 million seed round with a headset that doesn’t promise to do more. In fact, it is trying to do just the opposite: Focus your attention on just the book at hand. Or book on the face, as it were.

“I’m excited to see Apple’s demonstration of the future of general AR/VR for the masses. However, even if it’s eventually affordable and in a much smaller form factor, we’re still left with the haunting question: Do I really need more time with my smart devices,” said Ben Chelf, CEO at Sol. “At Sol, we’re less concerned with spatial computing or augmented and virtual realities and more interested in how our personal devices can encourage us to spend our time wisely. We are building the Sol Reader specifically for a single important use case — reading. And while Big Tech surely will improve specs and reduce cost over time, we can now provide a time-well-spent option at 10% of the cost of Apple’s Vision.”

The device is simple: It slips over your eyes like a pair of glasses and blocks all distractions while reading. Even as I’m typing that, I’m sensing some sadness: I have wanted this product to exist for many years – I was basically raised by books, and lost my ability to focus on reading over the past few years. Something broke in me during the pandemic – I was checking my phone every 10 seconds to see what Trump had done now and how close we were to a COVID-19-powered abyss. Suffice it to say, my mental health wasn’t at its finest – and I can’t praise the idea of Sol Reader enough. The idea of being able to set a timer and put a book on my face is extremely attractive to me.

Jun 10, 2023

Meta test puts Reels on the Quest

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, internet, space, virtual reality

Reels started as Instagram’s solution for competing with TikTok and soon launched on sister-site Facebook — a natural expansion. Meta is now testing Reels on a less expected medium: the Meta Quest. Its VR headset works for internet browsing, watching movies, games and more — but the addition of typically-vertical Reels presents a different viewing experience than these more malleable (and typically screen-wide) options.

Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the update through a 13-second video on Meta’s Instagram Channel. It featured a Reel from influencer Austin Sprinz’s Instagram account in which he visited the world’s deepest pool. The immersive video is a good choice for VR, taking the viewer underwater into a seemingly bottomless space — and is certainly better than a cooking or dance Reel.

The Reels update comes ahead of Meta Quest 3’s fall release and follows Apple’s new AR/VR Vision Pro headset announcement. Though, with Quest 3’s pricing starting at $499, compared to the Vision Pro’s $3,499, the pair don’t exactly fall into the same category. Meta’s VR headset line first launched as Oculus Quest and subsequently Oculus Quest 2 before the second-generation model was rebranded as Meta Quest 2. The Meta Quest Pro followed soon after the name change. As for Reels, there’s no timeline for if and when it will leave the testing phase and become available across Meta Quest headsets.

Jun 8, 2023

Tim Cook has been telling us AR is the future for years

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, mobile phones

September 2021: In an interview with tech YouTuber iJustine, Cook said that he was AR’s number one fan and reiterated his hopes for it as a collaboration tool.

I am so excited about AR. I think AR is one of these very few profound technologies that we will look back on one day and went, how did we live our lives without it? And so right now you can experience it in thousands of ways using your iPad or your iPhone, but of course, those will get better and better over time.

Continue reading “Tim Cook has been telling us AR is the future for years” »

Jun 7, 2023

Apple acquires Mira, a lightweight AR headset startup with military contracts

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, computing, military, space

The U.S. Navy has awarded Mira a $700,000 contract, while another agreement is set in stone with the U.S. Air Force.

Right on the heels of unveiling its Vision Pro mixed reality headset, Apple has now confirmed that it has acquired Mira, a Los Angeles-based maker of light hardware for augmented reality, The Verge.

The Worldwide Developers Conference had unveiled Apple’s plans for its future as it revealed a string of devices powered by ‘homegrown’ chips and the much-awaited foray into the mixed reality space.

Jun 5, 2023

Augmented reality needs an iPhone moment

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, virtual reality

‘This is the single greatest thing that could happen to this industry.’

As Apple prepares its long-rumored jump into augmented reality on Monday, doubts have shadowed every step of the way. There are reports of frequent changes in direction and skepticism inside Apple’s ranks. The device has allegedly been hard to manufacture and required numerous compromises. The process has taken years longer than Apple expected. And at a rumored $3,000, even Apple reportedly expects slow short-term sales.

But among AR professionals, the mood is jubilant. “This is the single greatest thing that could happen to this industry,” says Jay Wright, CEO of VR / AR collaboration platform Campfire 3D.

Continue reading “Augmented reality needs an iPhone moment” »

Jun 3, 2023

Welcome to the augmented future. Watch it bring you to your knees

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, robotics/AI

Join top executives in San Francisco on July 11–12, to hear how leaders are integrating and optimizing AI investments for success. Learn More

Back on New Year’s Day, I wrote a piece for VentureBeat predicting 2023 as the year of mixed reality. On Monday of next week, the world will see why I still believe this is true. That’s the day Apple is expected to unveil its long-awaited mixed reality headset, a product rumored to be called the “Reality Pro” and certain to set the standard for immersive experiences.

Continue reading “Welcome to the augmented future. Watch it bring you to your knees” »

Jun 2, 2023

No one has done AR or VR well. Can Apple?

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical, information science, virtual reality

On Monday, Apple is more than likely going to reveal its long-awaited augmented or mixed reality Reality Pro headset during the keynote of its annual WWDC developer conference in California. It’s an announcement that has been tipped or teased for years now, and reporting on the topic has suggested that at various times, the project has been subject to delays, internal skepticism and debate, technical challenges and more. Leaving anything within Apple’s sphere of influence aside, the world’s overall attitude toward AR and VR has shifted considerably — from optimism, to skepticism.

Part of that trajectory is just the natural progression of any major tech hype cycle, and you could easily argue that the time to make the most significant impact in any such cycle is after the spike of undue optimism and energy has subsided. But in the case of AR and VR, we’ve actually already seen some of the tech giants with the deepest pockets take their best shots and come up wanting — not for lack of trying, but because of limitations in terms of what’s possible even at the bleeding edge of available tech. Some of those limits might actually be endemic to AR and VR, too, because of variances in the human side of the equation required to make mixed reality magic happen.

The virtual elephant in the room is, of course, Meta. The name itself pretty much sums up the situation: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg read a bad book and decided that VR was the inevitable end state of human endeavor — the mobile moment he essentially missed out on, but even bigger and better. Zuckerberg grew enamored by his delusion, first acquiring crowdfunded VR darling Oculus, then eventually commandeering the sobriquet for a shared virtual universe from the dystopian predictions of a better book and renaming all of Facebook after it.

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