

Archive for the ‘education’ category: Page 3

Jul 14, 2024

Space Exploration: A Thriving Industry With Tangible Earthly Rewards

Posted by in categories: economics, education, health, law, space travel

Furthermore, the synergy between educational programs, cultural influences and the tangible benefits derived from space exploration not only enriches our present-day society but also ensures a legacy of continuous innovation and exploration. This ongoing engagement with space inspires future generations to look beyond our planetary boundaries and consider what might be possible in the broader cosmos.

Space exploration presents significant challenges, including costs, astronaut health risks and technological hurdles for interstellar travel. Ethical and legal considerations regarding space colonization, resource utilization and celestial environmental impact require careful consideration and international cooperation.

While Silicon Valley visionaries envision a future among the stars, other voices remind us of our responsibilities to Earth. These are not mutually exclusive goals. By leveraging advancements and opportunities from space exploration, we can better protect and enhance life on Earth. Through economic benefits, scientific advancement and social inspiration, space exploration remains a crucial endeavor for humanity, not as an escape from our problems, but as a way to expand our horizons and solve them on our home planet.

Jul 13, 2024

Daniel Dennett on the Mind as Computer

Posted by in categories: computing, education

King Philosophy is a global organisation dedicated to developing emotional intelligence, both through our YouTube channel and our real-life school located on 10 campuses around the world. We apply psychology, philosophy, and culture to everyday life, addressing the questions we’re never taught enough about at regular school or college: How can relationships go well? What is meaningful work? How can love last? How can one find calm? What has gone wrong (and right) with capitalism? We love the humanities, especially philosophy, psychotherapy, literature and art — always going to them in search of ideas that are thought-provoking, useful and consoling.

We’re about wisdom, emotional intelligence and self-understanding.

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Jul 7, 2024

Systemic Therapy Approaches for Advanced Prostate Cancer

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical, business, education, food, health, media & arts

As part of the 2024 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference, Dr. Eric Small discusses systemic therapy treatment in advanced prostate cancer, including AR-targeted therapy. The presentation includes definitions of disease states, categories of treatment types, and standards in treatment selection.
Recorded on 03/09/2024. [Show ID: 39768]

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Jul 7, 2024

Glaze — What is Glaze

Posted by in categories: economics, education, habitats, robotics/AI

Generative AI models have changed the way we create and consume content, particularly images and art. Diffusion models such as MidJourney and Stable Diffusion have been trained on large datasets of scraped images from online, many of which are copyrighted, private, or sensitive in subject matter. Many artists have discovered significant numbers of their art pieces in training data such as LAION-5B, without their knowledge, consent, credit or compensation.

To make it worse, many of these models are now used to copy individual artists, through a process called style mimicry. Home users can take art work from human artists, perform “fine-tuning” or LoRA on models like stable diffusion, and end up with a model that is capable of producing arbitrary images in the “style” of the target artist, when evoked with their name as a prompt. Popular independent artists find low quality facsimilies of their artwork online, often with their names still embedded in the metadata from model prompts.

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Jul 3, 2024

The Impact of Implementing 3D Printing at the Point-of-Care

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, economics, education

Patient and clinician education has improved tremendously with the help of 3D printing — learn how in our whitepaper.

This whitepaper explores the impact of implementing 3D printing at the point-of-care, its economic benefits, advantages for surgical planning and research grant possibilities.

Jul 3, 2024

With a top speed of 16,000 mph, this hypersonic private jet makes the Concorde look like a Tortoise. It flies on the edge of space and can zip from New York to London in a mere 11 minutes

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education

A modern long-range wide-body airliner like the Airbus A350 takes 15 hours of non-stop flying to travel from Los Angeles to Sydney. This makes it one of the longest and most tiring airline routes for passengers. But imagine an aircraft that will reduce travel time between the two cities to just 3 hours. Sounds unrealistic, right? After all, the jet should be capable of flying multiple times the speed of sound to achieve that feat. However, the grandson of aviation giant Bombardier, Charles Bombardier, believes the technology to build such an ambitious aircraft will be available in the foreseeable future. A mechanical engineer by education, Charles leads a nonprofit organization named Imaginactive, which has created multitudes of highly-ambitious, world-changing concepts over the last few years. The Paradoxal hypersonic jet concept is one of them, and it is designed to travel at Mach 24 (nearly 16,000 mph). At this speed, it can fly out of JFK and land at Heathrow, London, covering a distance of 3,450 miles in 11 minutes. Yes, you read that right.

According to its designer, Juan Garcia Mansilla, the development of the Paradoxal concept involved numerous scientists and engineers, including some professionals from NASA. You won’t be wrong if you think the conceptual hypersonic aircraft looks like a futuristic version of the B2 stealth bomber. Both of them are strikingly similar to the peregrine falcon, the world’s fastest bird, during its dive to catch its prey.

Also read — Inspired by the Viking Ships and aptly named ‘Norway’ — This 528-foot long superyacht concept has solar sails, a sky elevator, cinema, supercar garage and even a hospital.

Jul 1, 2024

CERN’s ATLAS experiment releases 65 TB of open data for research

Posted by in categories: education, energy, physics

The ATLAS Experiment at CERN has made two years’ worth of scientific data available to the public for research purposes. The data include recordings of proton–proton collisions from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a collision energy of 13 TeV.

This is the first time that ATLAS has released data on this scale, and it marks a in terms of public access and utilization of LHC data.

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Jul 1, 2024

Multinational fusion energy project marks completion of its most complex magnet system

Posted by in categories: education, nuclear energy, security

After two decades of design, production, fabrication and assembly on three continents, the historic, multinational ITER fusion energy project today celebrates the completion and delivery of its massive toroidal field coils from Japan and Europe.

Masahito Moriyama, Japan’s Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Italy’s Minister of Environment and Energy Security, will attend the ceremony with officials from other ITER members.

Nineteen gigantic toroidal field coils have been delivered to southern France. They will be key components in ITER, the experimental fusion mega-project that will use magnetic confinement to imitate the process that powers the sun and stars and gives Earth light and warmth.

Jun 27, 2024

Is consciousness really a problem?

Posted by in categories: education, neuroscience

The Journal of Consciousness Studies has an issue out on the meta-problem of consciousness. (Unfortunately, it’s paywalled, so you’ll need a subscription, or access to a school network that has one.)

As a reminder, there’s the hard problem of consciousness, coined by David Chalmers in 1995, which is the question of why or how we have conscious experience, or as described by others, how conscious experience “arises” from physical systems.

Then there’s the meta-problem, also more recently coined by Chalmers, on why we think there is a hard problem. The meta-problem is an issue long identified by people in the illusionist camp, those who see phenomenal consciousness as an illusion, a mistaken concept.

Jun 26, 2024

Gold nanomembrane coaxes secrets out of surfaces

Posted by in categories: education, quantum physics

“Surfaces were invented by the devil” — this quote is attributed to the theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who taught at ETH Zurich for many years and in 1945 received the Nobel Prize in physics for his contributions to quantum mechanics. Researchers do, indeed, struggle with surfaces. On the one hand they are extremely important both in animate and inanimate nature, but on the other hand it can be devilishly difficult to study them with conventional methods.

An interdisciplinary team of materials scientists and electrical engineers led by Lukas Novotny, Professor of Photonics at ETH Zurich, together with colleagues at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has now developed a method that will make the characterization of surfaces considerably easier in the future.

They recently published the results of their research, which is based on an extremely thin gold membrane, in the scientific journal Nature Communications (“Bulk-suppressed and surface-sensitive Raman scattering by transferable plasmonic membranes with irregular slot-shaped nanopores”).

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