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Nearly three million Texans are enduring extreme cold and are without power in their homes. The embattled ERCOT, which manages the state’s power grid, said power is restored for 600000 households.

Nearly 3 million Texans are enduring extreme cold and are without power in their homes. The embattled ERCOT, which manages the state’s power grid, said power has been restored for 600000 households.

CORVALLIS, Ore. — The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management issued the first-ever lease for a wave energy research project in federal waters off the U. S. West Coast to Oregon State University. “This is the first time a lease has been issued to support the testing of wave energy equipment in federal waters off the U. S. West Coast,” said BOEM Director Amanda Lefton.

Right now, the entire electric VTOL scene is a house built on a foundation of faith. Faith that the hordes of researchers beavering away on next-gen battery technology will achieve an enormous energy density breakthrough, or faith that hydrogen fuel cell powertrains will prove safe, reliable and practical in an aviation context.

Both seem likely, eventually, but the urban air taxi industry is pushing to be up and running within five years, and right now there’s no powertrain on the market that can keep these energy-intensive vertical-lift birds in the air long enough to be practical in a commercial sense.

France’s Ascendance sees an opportunity for an intermediate step. The company was founded by four ex-Airbus employees who worked on the groundbreaking E-Fan project, which back in 2015 became the first electric aircraft to cross the English Channel. Now, the team is working on a hybrid initiative to make long-range, low-emissions VTOL flight a reality even before the battery and hydrogen guys make their breakthroughs.

Researchers unlocked the electronic properties of graphene by folding the material like origami paper.

Researchers at Monash University’s Department of Chemical Engineering, IITB-Monash Research Academy Mumbai, and The Indian Institute of Technology’s Department of Chemical Engineering have used reactive flash volatilisation (RFV) gasification technology to produce hydrogen using microalgae, giving rise to newer and cleaner forms of energy.

Scientists are attempting to create next generation tattoos with a myriad of functions including electrical conductance, bio sensing, UV detection / protection, and more.

Hey it’s Han from WrySci HX covering the topic of “super power” tattoos. We all know about regular ones but scientists are looking to create next generation tattoos that will serve important functions beyond aesthetics that we can have in the future. Watch to find out what they might be! More below ↓↓↓

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