

Archive for the ‘finance’ category: Page 134

Aug 31, 2016

What Mind-Controlled Drones Mean for the Future of Digital Marketing

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, drones, finance, government, neuroscience, robotics/AI, wearables

Luv this article because it hits a very important topic of how will things change with BMI/ mind control technology in general. For example with BMI will we need wearable devices? if so, what type and why? Also, how will banking, healthcare, businesses, hospitality, transportation, media and entertainment, communications, government, etc. in general will change with BMI and AI together? And, don’t forget cell circuitry, and DNA storage and processing capabilities that have been proven to date and advancing.

When you take into account what we are doing with synthetic biology, BMI, AI, and QC; we are definitely going to see some very amazing things just within the next 10 years alone.

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Aug 29, 2016

China using Technology over Nature: Weather Modification Office

Posted by in categories: climatology, economics, energy, finance, food

China has always been a frontrunner, especially in technological advancements. The country has engaged itself in increasingly audacious and ambitious projects. It is, therefore, no astonishment in calling China, ‘the rising power’.China has established Weather Modification Offices, that enables in manipulating weather using technology. The offices are a network of dedicated units that help in changing the weather throughout China. 55 billion tons of rain is created by China every year, making the country the largest cloud seeder on earth.

China has found the urge to manipulate weather mainly because of the extreme climate it experiences. The region has heavy downpour in rainy season while it suffers from drought in summers. Dust and sand storms are common in springtime. Moreover, given the fact that China has the largest population, it cannot afford to rely on climate. Most importantly, for agriculture. China found the only hope in technology in the manipulating weather for accruing benefits.

Weather modification offices require huge financial resources, human capital and weaponry. It is no wonder that China has spent millions of money on weather modification process. It has spent $150 million on single regional artificial rain program. China has escaped $10.4 billion dollars economic losses by employing weather modification system from 2002 to 2012. Over 35000 people have been employed to carry out this project. About 12000 rocket launchers are being used to fire pellets containing silver iodide into the clouds.

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Aug 28, 2016

How AI Will Redefine Love

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, finance, robotics/AI

Artificial intelligence is beginning to disrupt entire industries from finance to medicine. Yet the most revolutionary application has yet to arrive—and it’s an existential one.

As thinking machines become more integrated into our lives, we must expect a transformation in how we define what it means to be conscious; what it means to live and to die; and ultimately, what it means to love a non-human being.

These questions are artfully explored in the plot of the 2013 sci-fi film, Her, which tells the story of a man who falls deeply in love with an intelligent operating system. This OS, Samantha, is designed to evolve and adapt her personality to appeal to Theodore. She has a very human voice and provides constant empathetic support. As Samantha’s psychological and intellectual capacities grow, so does Theodore and Samantha’s love for each other.

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Aug 27, 2016

Aubrey de Grey — Pushing back Death

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, life extension

Even insurance companies are taking longevity seriously now!


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Aug 25, 2016

Financial Networking Company Prepares for?Post-Quantum World

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, encryption, finance, privacy, quantum physics

Interesting read on IPC Systems Inc. is partnering with U.K. startup Post-Quantum to (in their own words) “offer its clients encryption, biometric authentication and a distributed-ledger record-keeping system that the software company says is designed to resist hacking — even by a quantum computer.” — I will be researching this more.

(Bloomberg) — When it comes to cybersecurity, no one can accuse IPC Systems Inc., the New Jersey-based company that builds communications networks for trading firms and financial markets, of preparing to fight the last war.

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Aug 22, 2016

World’s most efficient AES crypto processing technology for IoT devices developed

Posted by in categories: encryption, energy, finance, internet

Energy efficient IoT — proven to reduce energy usage by 50% via new technique for compressing the computations of encryption and decryption operations known as Galois field arithmetic operations.

Our research group has discovered a new technique for compressing the computations of encryption and decryption operations known as Galois field arithmetic operations, and has succeeded in developing the world’s most efficient Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptographic processing circuit, whose energy consumption is reduced by more than 50% of the current level. With this achievement, it has become possible to include encryption technology in information and communication technology (ICT) devices that have tight energy constraints, greatly enhancing the safety of the next-generation Internet of Things (IoT). This result was announced on August 19, 2016 during the Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2016 (CHES 2016) hosted by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) in Santa Barbara, USA.

It is currently very common to exchange important personal or financial information over the Internet through ICT devices. Cryptographic techniques are used inside these devices to protect important information. In next-generation networks such as the IoT, which has attracted attention in recent years, it is expected that myriad devices will be connected to the network. Hence, it will be necessary to have built-in encryption technology in these connected devices to prevent malicious attacks. However, many battery or cell-driven devices with tight energy constraints are also included in the IoT and running energy-consuming encryption processes on these is a big challenge. One of the most widely used international standard encryption methods is AES. Since this is used in areas such as wireless LANs, it is very important for practical reasons to design energy-saving AES cryptographic processing.

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Aug 22, 2016

UAE considers blockchain technology to prevent global trade of ‘conflict diamonds’

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, finance

New methods to counter attack fraud.

“We have introduced the possibility of using blockchain technology to create a seamless and continued global process for the KP certification scheme,” he said.

Blockchain is one of the most significant elements of the revolution in financial technology – fintech – that has been enthusiastically adopted by the UAE. Both Dubai and Abu Dhabi are setting up centres of excellence in fintech.

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Aug 22, 2016

Melting Permafrost Could Thaw A Smallpox Graveyard In Siberia

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance

A few weeks ago, up to 40 people from the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia were hospitalized after a heatwave thawed permafrost, releasing a “zombie outbreak” of anthrax. Now, the Siberian Times reports that experts fear the thawing could spell the return of the eradicated smallpox virus.

During the 1800s, there were repeated outbreaks of smallpox in a small Siberian town, with hundreds of bodies buried near the banks of the Kolyma River. Some 120 years later, this summer’s heatwave has been melting the permafrost surrounding the town at a rate three times faster than usual. This has increased water levels in the river and is subsequently eroding away its banks where the bodies are buried.

While the risk at the moment is low, and with scientists aware of the issue for some time now, the current troubles of permafrost around the site and the Kolyma River are ringing alarms.

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Aug 19, 2016

How to Succeed in the Asteroid Business Without Really Mining

Posted by in categories: business, finance, space

Asteroid miners need a short-term financial plan that will keep them in business until they can get rich extracting resources from space-rocks.

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Aug 18, 2016

China launches $30bn venture fund to boost industrial technology

Posted by in categories: finance, government

This is why tech must never leave their eye off their companies, innovation, and future; unlike China many in big tech have become bogged down in US Politics, etc. instead of their own competitive landscape something that many industry leaders learned many decades ago. Granted, you must always be concern over regulations, etc.; however, some in tech went further than that by acting in some cases like they’re running for office meanwhile their competitors flourish and don’t bother themselves with background noise.

As the old saying goes “never mix politics and religion in the work place” and this is why. Now, both China and Russia are challenging US tech like never before because of tech’s own distractions outside their companies. And, yes some may say it is tied to the S. China Sea; however, that is just one of many excuses which is not the real reason behind the drop of Apple, Uber, etc. Frankly China is showing the world they are serious in their own commitment to dominate tech taking the title from the US. I suggest companies wake up and focus on what they do best which is tech not government politics. Want to be a politician then please resign and run for government office; and let others who are passionate about tech run tech.

The Chinese government has launched a $30bn venture capital fund aimed at upgrading technology in the country’s ailing industrial sector, a move reminiscent of Singapore’s state investment playbook. Led by big banks and government holding companies.

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