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Longevity become hottest object for investments;

Startup founded 5 moths ago just raised $250 million.

The start-up, which launched in September and is headquartered in Warren, N.J., announced Thursday it has raised $250 million in venture capital from global biopharmaceutical company Celgene, biotechnology company United Therapeutics Corporation, biopharmaceutical company Sorrento Therapeutics, DNA sequencing and machine learning company Human Longevity, Inc.

Its biological “Band-Aids” are used to accelerate the treatment of wounds and burns resulting from injury or any manner of reconstructive surgery, and its injectable stem cell products can accelerate the repair of a tissue or organ. These restorative products cost from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per unit, according to Hariri. Celularity bought its stem cell bandage business earlier in January when it acquired Alliqua BioMedical for $29 million.

A collaborative research team has designed a wearable robot to support a person’s hip joint while walking. The team, led by Minoru Hashimoto, a professor of textile science and technology at Shinshu University in Japan, published the details of their prototype in Smart Materials and Structures, a journal published by the Institute of Physics.

“With a rapidly aging society, an increasing number of elderly people require care after suffering from stroke, and other-age related disabilities. Various technologies, devices, and robots are emerging to aid caretakers,” wrote Hashimoto, noting that several technologies meant to assist a person with walking are often cumbersome to the user. “[In our] current study, [we] sought to develop a lightweight, soft, wearable assist wear for supporting activities of daily life for older people with weakened muscles and those with mobility issues.”

The wearable system consists of plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel, mesh electrodes, and applied voltage. The mesh electrodes sandwich the gel, and when voltage is applied, the gel flexes and contracts, like a muscle. It’s a wearable actuator, the mechanism that causes movement.

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Is ageing a disease? One that can be ‘cured’? BBC’s Gabriela Torres meets the self-experimenters and scientists who are trying to dramatically extend our lives.

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The Undoing Aging 2018 Conference is coming to Berlin to discuss the science of rejuvenation biotech!

The SENS Research Foundation and the Forever Healthy Foundation have joined forces to host an exciting conference about rejuvenation biotechnology on March 15–17, 2018 at the Umspannwerk Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany.

A conference for everyone

The conference is open to the wider community interested in this field and anyone can attend. We believe that this is a fantastic move, as it allows more people to engage with the science and to learn firsthand from the researchers working on the front line. We very much support the idea that we are all in this together and thus are delighted to see that the event is open to the entire community.

Summary: Practical tips on how to consume 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to lose weight and improve health. [This article first appeared on the LongevityFacts website. Author: Brady Hartman.]

Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients and are an integral part of the healthiest diet plans. Here are practical tips on how to incorporate more plant foods into your meals.

Due to a poor diet, about half of all American adults have one or more preventable chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, overweight, obesity or cardiovascular disease. A large body of evidence, including newly published research on the health benefits of fruit and vegetables, shows that increased consumption of whole plant foods is linked to reduced risk of death and chronic diseases.

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Summary: Lose weight with coffee? Probably not. While coffee is a healthy drink, and research suggests it helps ward off type 2 diabetes in habitual drinkers, new studies suggest that coffee probably won’t help in weight loss. [This article first appeared on the website LongevityFacts. Author: Brady Hartman. ]

People love to wake up each morning to the smell of hot coffee brewing. Coffee and the caffeine it contains are a great way to kick-start the day. About half of American adults drink coffee every day, drinking about 3 cups on average.

The beverage is consumed all over the world. Coffee originated in northeast Africa and spread throughout the Middle East in the 15th century from where it went on to Europe.

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Summary: Recent scientific advances in anti-aging science are bringing the dream of the fountain of youth closer to reality. More than just extending our lifespans, the field hopes to significantly reduce the chronic diseases of aging, such as cancer, heart disease, and dementia. [This article first appeared on the website Author: Brady Hartman. ]

A fountain of youth has been the dream of humanity throughout history.

Recent scientific advances are bringing that dream closer to reality.

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Summary: Why the bowhead whale lives 200 years and rarely gets cancer. This article is part 2 of a 3-part series, covering the role of telomere length in cancer and part of a new extensive study. Part 1 on the accuracy of telomere length is here, Part 3 on the role of telomere length in chronic diseases is here. [This article first appeared under the title ‘Top Journal Discovers Key to These 200-Year-Old Whales Who Avoid Cancer’ on the website Author: Brady Hartman. ]

Related: A brief overview of why whales don’t get cancer is in this companion video.

In a comprehensive study published a little more than a week ago in a highly respected journal of the Royal Society of the UK, authors Abraham Aviv and Jerry W. Shay (see author bios here) report on the role of telomere length. In this segment, the authors describe the role of telomere length in protecting us from cancer and explain why whales have low rates of cancer, despite large cell counts, long lives, and relatively short telomeres.

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Summary: A recently announced parabiosis trial in humans – the practice of transfusing young blood to old – may have profound implications for treating the chronic diseases of old age, including metabolic changes, frailty, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other forms of dementia. However, some geroscientists say that variations of the procedure could cause severe side effects. [This article first appeared on the website Author: Brady Hartman. ]

The idea that youthful blood might rejuvenate our aging bodies has lingered in the popular imagination for centuries, fueled by recent experiments in which these transfusions revitalized aging mice.

Last week, Bill Faloon of the Life Extension Foundation (LEF) in partnership with the Young Blood Institute (YBI), announced a bold new human trial of the rejuvenating effects of the young blood / old blood swap, saying.

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Five technologies in development – including senolytic drugs, rapamycin, stem cell therapy, NAD supplementation and gene therapy – could dramatically slow down aging in the next few years. This report updates the latest developments in these promising and potentially lifespan-extending treatments. [This article first appeared on the website LongevityFacts. Author: Brady Hartman. ]

The longevity science field has made enormous progress in recent years, and human trials of anti-aging compounds have already started, with more to begin soon. The lifespan-extension research field is gaining the attention of mainstream medicine.

The specialists who populate the field, called geroscientists, are developing several technologies that might benefit people who are alive today and aim to bring them to the clinic. These lifespan-extending technologies include stem cell therapy, rapamycin, gene therapy, senolytic drugs, and NAD supplementation.

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