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It is often thought that if we cure aging or find out how to upload a human mind that humans will be immortal. Today we will examine that notion and see how well it holds up against astronomical time lines.

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Cover Art by Jakub Grygier:

Graphics Team:
Edward Nardella.
Jarred Eagley.
Justin Dixon.
Katie Byrne.
Kris Holland of Mafic Stufios:
Misho Yordanov.
Pierre Demet.
Sergio Botero:
Stefan Blandin.

Script Editing:

The Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the Cosmic Future Initiative at the Faculty of Arts & Science, present Geoffrey Hinton on October 27, 2023, at the University of Toronto.

0:00:00 — 0:07:20 Opening remarks and introduction.
0:07:21 — 0:08:43 Overview.
0:08:44 — 0:20:08 Two different ways to do computation.
0:20:09 — 0:30:11 Do large language models really understand what they are saying?
0:30:12 — 0:49:50 The first neural net language model and how it works.
0:49:51 — 0:57:24 Will we be able to control super-intelligence once it surpasses our intelligence?
0:57:25 — 1:03:18 Does digital intelligence have subjective experience?
1:03:19 — 1:55:36 Q&A
1:55:37 — 1:58:37 Closing remarks.

Talk title: “Will digital intelligence replace biological intelligence?”

Abstract: Digital computers were designed to allow a person to tell them exactly what to do. They require high energy and precise fabrication, but in return they allow exactly the same model to be run on physically different pieces of hardware, which makes the model immortal. For computers that learn what to do, we could abandon the fundamental principle that the software should be separable from the hardware and mimic biology by using very low power analog computation that makes use of the idiosynchratic properties of a particular piece of hardware. This requires a learning algorithm that can make use of the analog properties without having a good model of those properties. Using the idiosynchratic analog properties of the hardware makes the computation mortal. When the hardware dies, so does the learned knowledge. The knowledge can be transferred to a younger analog computer by getting the younger computer to mimic the outputs of the older one but education is a slow and painful process. By contrast, digital computation makes it possible to run many copies of exactly the same model on different pieces of hardware. Thousands of identical digital agents can look at thousands of different datasets and share what they have learned very efficiently by averaging their weight changes. That is why chatbots like GPT-4 and Gemini can learn thousands of times more than any one person. Also, digital computation can use the backpropagation learning procedure which scales much better than any procedure yet found for analog hardware. This leads me to believe that large-scale digital computation is probably far better at acquiring knowledge than biological computation and may soon be much more intelligent than us. The fact that digital intelligences are immortal and did not evolve should make them less susceptible to religion and wars, but if a digital super-intelligence ever wanted to take control it is unlikely that we could stop it, so the most urgent research question in AI is how to ensure that they never want to take control.

The aliens haven’t contacted us because they have uploaded themselves into digital information where they live forever anf create simulated universes that they live in or they upload themselves into femto tech level computational substrates and they could surround us.

Is Earth impossible? An exploration of the impossible earth hypothesis and its implications on science and existence.

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Currently listening to this. He’s pretty decent, up there with Dr Daniel Amen in advancement/ideas. I barely started this episode but it seems AI can help in medicine and there’s more in this podcast concerning our personal health. This is some key issues for longevity.

Get my FREE guide 3 Steps to Reverse Aging when you sign up for my weekly health picks 👉

View the Show Notes For This Episode:

The authors of a recent review published in Ageing Research Reviews summarize the research on epigenetic reprogramming and its potential as a rejuvenation therapy [1].

Aging leads to changes in the epigenome. Those changes can lead to alterations in gene regulation, affecting cellular homeostasis, and can play a role in age-associated phenotypes. Epigenetic modifications, the addition or removal of chemical groups to the DNA or DNA-associated proteins, have a profound impact on gene expression, tissue functions, and identity [2].

This review’s authors believe epigenetic reprogramming to be among the most currently promising interventions to stop or delay aging, potentially even reversing it at the cellular level. They believe that epigenetics are the basis of aging; therefore, being able to impact the epigenome would allow them to address multiple Hallmarks of Aging simultaneously.

One of the ways cells in different kinds of tissue communicate is by exchanging RNA molecules. In experiments with roundworms of the species Caenorhabditis elegans, researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil found that when this communication pathway is dysregulated, the organism’s lifespan is shortened.

An article on the study is published in the journal Gene. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the aging process and associated diseases.

“Previous research showed that some types of RNA can be transferred from one cell to another, mediating intertissue communication, of the kind that occurs with proteins and metabolites, for example. This is considered a mechanism for signaling between organs or neighboring cells. It’s part [of the physiopathology] of several diseases and of the organism’s normal functioning,” said Marcelo Mori, corresponding author of the article and a professor at the Institute of Biology (IB-UNICAMP).

The natural ends of chromosomes appear alarmingly like broken DNA, much as a snapped spaghetti strand is difficult to distinguish from its intact counterparts. Yet every cell in our bodies must have a way of differentiating between the two because the best way to protect the healthy end of a chromosome also happens to be the worst way to repair damaged DNA.

Consider the , which is responsible for maintaining protective telomeres at the natural ends of chromosomes. Were telomerase to seal off a broken strand of DNA with a , it would prevent further repair of that break and delete essential genes.

Now, a new study in Science describes how cells avoid such mishaps. These findings show that telomerase can indeed run amok, adding telomeres to damaged DNA, and would do so were it not for the ATR kinase, a key enzyme that responds to DNA damage.