

Archive for the ‘neuroscience’ category: Page 5

Aug 30, 2024

Nucleated synthetic cells with genetically driven intercompartment communication

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, health, neuroscience

The brain’s white matter comprises areas of the central nervous system made up of myelinated axons. Its name is derived from the pale appearance of the lipids that comprise myelin. Myelin is a segmented sheath that insulates axons, ensuring the conduction of neural signals. The loss of myelin is documented in a number of neurodegenerative pathologies, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and perhaps most notably, multiple sclerosis. As people age, demyelination becomes more likely.

Researchers have long suspected a relationship between and the integrity of the brain’s as people age. However, a lack of specific evidence has led researchers at the National Institutes of Health to conduct a study examining the strength of this correlation, now published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

To establish a correlation between cardiovascular fitness and cerebral myelination, the researchers recruited a cohort of 125 participants from age 22 to 94 years old. The cardiovascular fitness of the participants was quantified as the maximum rate of oxygen consumption, popularly and succinctly known as VO2max. Myelin content was defined as the water fraction, which the researchers estimated through an advanced multicomponent relaxometry MRI method.

Aug 30, 2024

Targeting NAD Metabolism for the Therapy of Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

Shan C, Gong YL, Zhuang QQ, Hou YF, Wang SM, Zhu Q, et al. Protective effects of β- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide against motor deficits and dopaminergic neuronal damage in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Prog Neuro Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2019, 94: 109670.

Article CAS Google Scholar

Aug 30, 2024

Humanity’s newest brain gains are most at risk from ageing

Posted by in categories: life extension, neuroscience

In the more than six million years since people and chimpanzees split from their common ancestor, human brains have rapidly amassed tissue that helps decision-making and self-control.

The large prefrontal cortex provides evolutionary and cognitive advantages over non-human primates — but there’s a cost.

Aug 30, 2024

Consciousness pre-dates life

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Many scientists, operating with a materialist worldview, argue that consciousness emerges out of inanimate molecules. In contrast, Roger Penrose’s longtime collaborator, Stuart Hameroff, puts forward the controversial case that consciousness precedes life and that we have evidence for this from a recent NASA experiment.

Aug 30, 2024

‘It’s insane’: Man with brain chip designs 3D objects

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

Neuralink assists second person ‘control cursor with mind’

Aug 29, 2024

Mitochondria Are Flinging Their DNA into Our Brain Cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

A new study finds that mitochondria in our brain cells frequently fling their DNA into the cells’ nucleus, where the mitochondrial DNA integrates into chromosomes, possibly causing harm.

Aug 29, 2024

High frequency oscillations in human memory and cognition: a neurophysiological substrate of engrams?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

The results published by Tong et al. 60 reconcile the previous observations that increased power across a broad range of frequencies is composed of multiple HFO bursts detected at discrete frequencies. 32, 33, 85 In Figs 2 and 3, we summarize the general mechanism from micro-scale ensembles of firing neurons, through bursts of individual HFOs detected in particular trials at specific frequencies, to the resultant trial-averaged enhanced power across a broad frequency range. Coordinated firing in response to a stimulus presentation gives rise to HFOs at particular frequencies depending on the size and spread of the underlying neural ensemble (Fig. 3A and C). Other ensembles generate HFOs at particular frequencies in response to stimuli in subsequent trials. Eventually, multiple trials result in a uniform shift in power across a broad frequency range of the spectrum relative to a pre-stimulus baseline (Fig. 3C). Detections from specific trials can be displayed together as points at their corresponding peak-amplitude on a cumulative time-frequency plot, producing a pattern closely overlapping with the trial-averaged power spectrogram (Fig. 3D).

This is an explanation for the resultant broadband shift in power across the high-frequency spectrum associated with cognitive and motor tasks and increased neural firing, 92–95 which argued against oscillations at particular frequency bands. If the intermediate step of detecting individual bursts of oscillations on a trial-by-trial basis is skipped, the overall trial-averaged power will be most highly correlated with general firing rates in the entire neural population without any common temporal pattern or coordination to oscillations. If, however, independent constituent bursts of oscillations and the underlying firing in subsets of neural ensembles are first resolved one by one, then multiple patterns of coordinated activity emerge. In this large-scale mechanism, coordinated electrical activity from multiple neural sources generating oscillations at distinct frequencies could explain the broadband shifts in power across the spectrum. 24 Separate sources of HFO bursts detected at various frequencies remain to be demonstrated on the macro-and micro-recording scales.

Assuming that individual HFOs can indeed be separated based on their spectral features 96–98 and thus identify particular sources of LFP activities, it should be possible to resolve the neurophysiological substrates of memory and cognition proposed in our title question. High frequency LFP activities were suggested to track particular neuronal assemblies on the level of micro-contact LFP in rodents. 91 Intracranial recordings in non-human primates 86, 87 and in human patients 22, 32, 85 can also resolve distinct bursts in the frequency-time space of individual trials, which could hypothetically be the features of particular neuronal assemblies. 24 HFO bursts beyond the ripple frequency range, which were shown to be generated very locally on the scale of a single cortical column, 64 would correspond to arguably the fundamental level of neural organization and information processing. 99 In the next section, we will review the roles of temporal coordination in gamma and higher frequencies in supporting processes of memory and cognition.

Aug 29, 2024

Neuralink’s first patient says he’s named his brain-implant device and is using it to learn French and Japanese

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, Elon Musk, neuroscience

Neuralink’s first patient says he’s given his brain-chip implant a name seven months after it was surgically implanted.

Noland Arbaugh, who is quadriplegic and became the first person to get the computer-controlling implant developed by Elon Musk’s brain-interface company, said Wednesday that he had named the device “Eve” and was working with it to improve himself in different ways.

Aug 29, 2024

Gut health tied to psychological resilience: New research reveals gut-brain stress connection

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, neuroscience

Recent research has found that resilient individuals have healthier gut microbiomes and more active brain regions for emotion regulation, highlighting a strong gut-brain connection that supports better stress management and overall mental well-being.

Aug 29, 2024

Can Better Biotech Finally Replace Lab Animals?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

We have to do this ❤️

Replacing research animals with tools that better mimic human biology could improve medicine.

By Rachel Nuwer

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