

Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 279

Feb 11, 2023

Blue Alchemist Technology Powers our Lunar Future

Posted by in categories: chemistry, energy, space

To make long-term presence on the Moon viable, we need abundant electrical power. We can make power systems on the Moon directly from materials that exist everywhere on the surface, without special substances brought from Earth. We have pioneered the technology and demonstrated all the steps. Our approach, Blue Alchemist, can scale indefinitely, eliminating power as a constraint anywhere on the Moon.

We start by making regolith simulants that are chemically and mineralogically equivalent to lunar regolith, accounting for representative lunar variability in grain size and bulk chemistry. This ensures our starting material is as realistic as possible, and not just a mixture of lunar-relevant oxides. We have developed and qualified an efficient, scalable, and contactless process for melting and moving molten regolith that is robust to natural variations in regolith properties on the Moon.

Using regolith simulants, our reactor produces iron, silicon, and aluminum through molten regolith electrolysis, in which an electrical current separates those elements from the oxygen to which they are bound. Oxygen for propulsion and life support is a byproduct.

Feb 11, 2023

James Webb telescope finds Milky Way’s long-lost twin 9 billion years in the past

Posted by in category: space

The light from the distant Sparkler galaxy was spotted in the James Webb Telescope’s First Deep Field and could teach us how our own Milky Way devoured other galaxies to grow.

Feb 11, 2023

New Mars photo reveals scars from Red Planet’s ancient past

Posted by in category: space

The European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft captured a stunning new view of the Red Planet’s complex surface geology.

The new image, taken using the orbiter’s High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC), focuses on the flanks of a vast volcanic plateau called Thaumasia Planum. Deep surface fractures and water-carved valleys stream down the side of this volcanic region, offering clues about Mars’ ancient past.

Feb 11, 2023

NASA’s NuSTAR Telescope Reveals Hidden Light Shows on the Sun

Posted by in category: space

Some of the hottest spots in the Sun’s atmosphere appear in the telescope’s X-ray view.

Feb 11, 2023

NASA astronauts could hibernate on deep space missions thanks to arctic squirrels

Posted by in categories: health, space

Researchers are studying hibernating Arctic ground squirrels with the goal of harnessing the benefits of this odd natural state to protect astronauts’ health on long-duration space missions.

Hibernation is not just sleep. In fact, it’s quite different from sleep. While we sleep, our brains fire up and become highly active; in hibernation, on the contrary, brain activity completely slows down. The body temperature of hibernating animals also drops, in some cases close to the freezing point, cells stop dividing and heart rate decreases to two beats per minute.

Feb 11, 2023

James Webb Telescope question costs Google $100 billion — here’s why

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

A promo ad for Google’s unreleased artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot made an embarrassing mistake.

Feb 11, 2023

Mathematicians Complete Quest to Build ‘Spherical Cubes’

Posted by in categories: computing, mathematics, space

Space “cubically” with shapes that act like spheres? A proof at the intersection of geometry and theoretical computer science says yes.

Feb 11, 2023

Scientists claim Earth’s inner core has reversed its direction of spin

Posted by in category: space

The Earth’s core may have stopped spinning, or may even now be spinning backwards, according to a new study.

The core of our planet is made up of an outer layer of liquid metal, and an inner core of solid metal that is about 70 per cent the size of the Moon.

It is generally believed that the core rotates counter-clockwise when viewed from the North Pole, like the rest of planet Earth.

Feb 11, 2023

Space claw! Sun shoots powerful flare that knocks out shortwave radio (video)

Posted by in category: space

The sun is growing more active in its regular 11-year-cycle and has a huge sunspot serving as a hotbed of flares and other activity.

Feb 11, 2023

2001 A Space Odyssey: Epilogue with Frank Poole

Posted by in categories: media & arts, robotics/AI, space

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Sorry, IGNORING A C Clarks PLOTS FOR 2010 AND 3001!!!!!!!!!!! Some 203 years and 2 months after astronaut Frank Poole (Gary Lockwood, this short approved by the self same actor) is murdered by the Discovery’s A.I. HAL 9,000, his body encounters a Monolith. Using practical models and digital versions of the analogue VFX tricks used in the original, with respect to Stanley Kubrick, Douglas Trumbull and Wally Veevers.

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