Jun 11, 2017
Outsiders Changing the World
Posted by Zoltan Istvan in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism
The Evening Standard reviews the new book Radicals whose opening chapter is about transhumanism and my 2016 presidential campaign:
With the apparent collapse of Ukip and the defeat of Marine Le Pen, perhaps those of us fretting about the decline of liberal democracy may breathe easier. Still, many established Western parties remain in decline. And we have yet to deal with the consequences of the “populist” spasms that gave us Brexit and the absurd President Trump. This is the climate that impels Jamie Bartlett, of think tank Demos, to examine some of the new “radicals”.
Radicalism is important, he believes, because it is a source of new ideas: even if liberal democracy is forced to argue with racists or anti-democratic radicals, that should help make it stronger.